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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Counselors Submitting Transcripts After Deadline?

I just realized that my counselor might not have submitted my transcript before the deadline for the colleges I applied to. Is there a possibility for them to submit it after the deadline, and will the colleges still accept it? Feeling really stressed about this.

8 months ago

I understand that you're feeling stressed, but try not to worry too much. In many cases, colleges are aware that school administrators, like counselors, may need a little extra time to submit supporting documents such as transcripts. Deadlines for application materials submitted by the student, like the application itself and personal essays, are typically more strict than those for counselor-related materials.

It is crucial to follow up with your counselor as soon as possible and confirm whether they have submitted the transcript or not. If they haven't, politely request that they submit it as soon as possible. Schools will often have a grace period after the official deadline for submission of supplementary materials and transcripts. However, this grace period varies from college to college, so it is better to get your transcript sent in as soon as you can.

After your counselor has sent the transcript, I'd recommend reaching out to the college admissions offices to confirm receipt of your transcript. Briefly explain the situation and express your concern for submitting the material late. Most colleges are understanding about such situations, as long as the delay is within a reasonable time frame.

Keep in mind that it's important to be proactive and stay in communication with both your counselor and the colleges. Best of luck with your applications!

8 months ago

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