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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Dealing with poor SAT scores

Hey guys, I just got my SAT scores back, and I'm a little bummed out since they were lower than I had hoped for. Any advice on what to do from here? Should I retake the test or focus on other parts of my application? Any help appreciated.

8 months ago

First off, don't be too hard on yourself! It's normal to feel disappointed, but it's important to remember that SAT scores are just one aspect of your college application. Now, let's talk about your options moving forward.

1. Retake the SAT: If you feel like you can significantly improve your score with more preparation, it might be a good idea to retake the test. Analyze which sections or question types you struggled with the most and focus on those areas when studying. Also, consider trying different test prep resources or methods that you haven't used before.

2. Focus on other parts of your application: If you don't think retaking the SAT will yield a significant score increase or if you're running out of time before application deadlines, shift your attention to other aspects of your application, such as your essays, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. These areas can help showcase your strengths, passion, and dedication in ways that might compensate for a lower SAT score.

3. Consider test-optional schools: A growing number of colleges have adopted test-optional or test-flexible policies, meaning they don't require SAT or ACT scores for admission. If your SAT score isn't a strong representation of your abilities, you might want to consider applying to some of these schools, where you won't be at a disadvantage due to your test scores.

4. Make sure your college list is balanced: Ensure you have a mix of reach, target, and safety schools. Keep in mind that some colleges may place more emphasis on test scores than others, so it's essential to research each school's admissions criteria and build your list accordingly.

No matter which route you decide to take, remember that your SAT score is only one piece of the puzzle, and admissions officers consider your application holistically. Good luck!

8 months ago

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