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Preparing for a Stanford Interview

Hey y'all! So, I'm applying to Stanford and I just scheduled my alumni interview. I'm super excited but also kinda nervous. Any tips on what I can expect and how to prepare? Any specific questions they might ask? Help is appreciated, thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! Congrats on getting the alumni interview! Being prepared is essential, so here are some tips and possible questions you might encounter:

1. Do your research: Make sure you know about Stanford's academics, extracurriculars, and campus life. Look into specific programs and clubs you find interesting, so you can demonstrate a genuine interest in attending the University.

2. Review your application: Be familiar with your own achievements, experiences, and essays. You may be asked about them, and it's a chance for you to expand on your experiences, highlighting aspects that may not be obvious from your application.

3. Be professional: Dress appropriately and be punctual. Treat the interview as you would a job interview. This shows respect for the interviewer's time and reflects positively on you.

4. Prepare answers for common questions: Some examples include:

- Why do you want to attend Stanford?

- What are your academic and/or career goals?

- How have you demonstrated leadership in your extracurriculars or community activities?

- Can you describe a difficult situation you faced and how you overcame it?

5. Be yourself: Interviewers want to get to know you as a person, so don't try to fit a certain mold. Be honest about your passions and experiences, and let your personality shine through.

6. Have some questions ready: At the end of the interview, you might have the opportunity to ask questions. Use this chance to show you've done your research and are genuinely curious about Stanford. You could ask about the alumni's personal experiences, specific campus resources, or advice they have for incoming students.

7. Practice: Do mock interviews with a friend, family member, or mentor. This can help you become more comfortable and articulate in answering questions.

Remember that the interview is just one part of your application. It's a great chance for you to show your enthusiasm for Stanford and to showcase your personality. Good luck!

8 months ago

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