What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Lafayette Acceptance Rate

Hi guys! I'm really interested in applying to Lafayette College, but I'm a bit concerned about my chances. What was the acceptance rate like in recent years? Any advice on improving my chances would be great!

8 months ago

Hello! Lafayette College is a great choice and it's understandable that you want to know more about the acceptance rate. In recent years, Lafayette's acceptance rate has generally fallen between 25% and 35%. Keep in mind that this rate can fluctuate slightly from year to year, so it's important to focus on presenting your best application regardless of the current acceptance rate.

To improve your chances at Lafayette, consider the following advice:

1. Strong Academic Profile: Ensure that you have a rigorous course load with AP, IB, or honors classes, as well as competitive grades and test scores (if submitting). Lafayette will appreciate a strong academic record showing you can handle college-level work.

2. Extracurricular Involvement: Pursue extracurricular activities that showcase your dedication and leadership abilities. Aim for a balance between depth and breadth—be heavily involved and hold leadership positions in a couple of activities that align with your interests.

3. Essays: Write compelling essays that highlight your uniqueness and personality. Remember to demonstrate your passion, how you have grown or tackled challenges, and how you can contribute to Lafayette's community.

4. Demonstrated Interest: Many colleges, including Lafayette, track demonstrated interest in the admission process. Attend college visits, information sessions, and engage with admission representatives to show your genuine interest in the school.

5. Recommendations: Strong letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors who know you well can attest to your academic abilities, character, and potential fit at Lafayette.

6. Apply Early: Consider applying Early Decision (ED) if Lafayette is your top choice, as the acceptance rate for ED applicants is typically higher than regular decision applicants.

Remember that college admissions can be unpredictable, so it's essential to present the best application possible and have a balanced list of reach, target, and safety schools. Good luck with your application!

8 months ago

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