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Math awards for high school students

Hi everyone! What are some popular math awards or competitions I could participate in as a high school student? I'm hoping to find ways to demonstrate my passion for math and build my college application.

8 months ago

Hi there! There are quite a few math awards and competitions you can participate in as a high school student. Participating in these events not only showcases your passion for math but also adds value to your college application. Here is a list of some popular math competitions and awards:

1. American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): This is a series of competitions starting with the AMC 8, 10, and 12, followed by the American Invitational Mathematics Examination (AIME) and the USA Mathematical Olympiad (USAMO). Success in these exams can lead to qualification for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

2. MathCounts: A nationwide middle school mathematics competition that takes place at the school, chapter, state, and national levels, and also offers a Club program for students in grades 6-8.

3. Mu Alpha Theta: This is a national mathematics honor society that hosts math competitions for middle and high school students. They offer both state and national competitions.

4. Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT): Held twice a year, this one-day competition is aimed at high school students and organized by students from Harvard University and MIT.

5. International Mathematics Competition (IMC): This international competition is for high school students and focuses on solving problems in algebra, geometry, number theory, and combinatorics.

In addition to participating in competitions, you can also look for math-related extracurricular activities in your school or community, such as joining a math club or taking part in math-related research projects or internships.

It's great that you're looking for opportunities to demonstrate your passion for mathematics. Participating in these competitions and activities will not only strengthen your college application but also help you develop invaluable problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. Good luck with your endeavors!

8 months ago

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