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Michigan Ross portfolio examples?

Hi, I'm interested in applying to the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, I've heard they require a portfolio. Can anyone provide examples or tips on what a successful portfolio looks like and how I can best showcase my skills? Thank you!

a year ago

Hi! Great to hear that you're considering applying to the Ross School of Business at UMich. While I can't provide specific examples of successful portfolios due to privacy reasons, I can certainly give you some tips and ideas to help you create a strong portfolio that showcases your skills, experiences, and interests:

1. Showcase your academic and extracurricular interests and accomplishments: Highlight projects, presentations, research, or any achievements related to business, economics, leadership, or entrepreneurship that you are proud of. Make sure you elaborate on your role and contribution to each project as well as the outcome or impact it had.

2. Include a resume: A well-crafted resume is an essential part of your portfolio. Make sure to highlight your educational background, work or internship experiences, extracurricular activities, volunteer work, awards/honors, and relevant skills.

3. Letters of recommendation: If you have strong letters from teachers, mentors, or employers who can speak about your abilities and potential in the field of business, include them in your portfolio. This helps to add credibility and another perspective to your application.

4. Visual representations of your work: If you have any examples of your work (e.g., infographics, websites, posters, or mock-ups from marketing campaigns), include these as visual representations. This allows the admissions committee to see the tangible results of your efforts and better understand your skills in action.

5. Personal reflection/personal statement: Provide context to your portfolio by discussing your interest in business, what you hope to achieve through your education at Ross, and how your past experiences have shaped your aspirations. This can help portray your passion and commitment to the field.

Additionally, make sure your portfolio is organized. A well-organized portfolio that flows logically and showcases the breadth of your talents will be more appealing to the admissions committee. Use headings, subheadings, and captions to clarify your content and ensure that the formatting is consistent throughout. Also, be sure to proofread your portfolio for grammatical errors, unclear wording, or formatting issues so you can be confident you are putting your best foot forward.

Remember, your portfolio should be unique to you as an individual and should showcase your strengths and experiences. Use these tips as a starting point and tailor your portfolio to reflect your own personal journey and aspirations. Good luck with your application to Ross!

a year ago

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