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Howard essay tips and experiences?

Hiya! As I'm starting to look at colleges, Howard University has come up a few times, and I'm pretty interested in it. Anyone got tips or experiences they wanna share about writing a successful essay for Howard University? Like, what sort of topics or personal stories should I highlight? Would appreciate any advice!

a year ago

Hey there! I'm glad to hear that you're interested in Howard University. Writing a successful essay for any university requires you to think creatively and present your unique experiences or perspective. For Howard, as a historically black university, you might want to consider how your background, culture, or identity has shaped you or influenced your academic and personal aspirations.

Here are a few tips to help you write a great essay:

1. Be original: Admission officers read thousands of application essays, so it's essential to stand out by presenting a unique angle or experience that showcases your personality and identity. Avoid cliché topics like winning your sports game or describing a community service activity. Instead, focus on a specific instance or event and delve deeper into how it has influenced your growth or aspirations.

2. Be genuine and authentic: Authenticity is crucial in essay-writing. Share real experiences and emotions; don't fabricate stories or exaggerate achievements. Be honest about your struggles, accomplishments, and growth. Howard's readers will appreciate your candor and will be more likely to connect with your story.

3. Show, don't tell: Use descriptive language and vivid details to paint a picture of the experience you're sharing. Instead of simply telling the reader what happened or how you felt, show them through your writing. This will create a more engaging and immersive essay that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

4. Connect to Howard's values: Research the university's mission statement, programs, culture, and values. Show that your goals and aspirations align with the institution's mission and demonstrate how attending Howard will help you achieve those goals. This can establish a meaningful connection between your story and the university.

An example topic could be about a cultural event in your community that you organized or participated in and how it impacted your understanding of your own identity and its relation to your future ambitions. This allows you to be original, genuine, and connect to Howard's values by demonstrating your dedication to embracing and highlighting diverse cultural experiences.

Best of luck with your essay and application to Howard University!

a year ago

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