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Which colleges have no-loan policies?

Hey there! So I'm in the process of researching colleges, and I'm trying to minimize student loans for my undergrad. I heard some colleges have no-loan policies. Can someone help me with a list of schools that offer financial aid packages without loans? I'd really appreciate it!

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're looking into ways to reduce your student loan burden. Colleges with no-loan policies aim to make higher education more affordable by providing financial aid packages that replace loans with grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities. Here are some of the top colleges and universities with these policies:

1. Princeton University

2. Harvard University

3. Yale University

4. Stanford University

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

6. University of Pennsylvania

7. Columbia University

8. Brown University

9. Dartmouth College

10. Duke University

11. Swarthmore College

12. Pomona College

13. Amherst College

14. Haverford College

15. Vanderbilt University

16. Northwestern University

17. University of Chicago

Keep in mind that each school's no-loan policy may have its own terms and conditions, such as income thresholds under which families qualify. Be sure to research each college's specific financial aid policies to understand their eligibility criteria and what they offer.

Additionally, when applying to colleges, don't forget to explore scholarships and grants available outside the institutions, such as those awarded by private organizations, foundations, and local/state governments. These can also significantly contribute to decreasing your overall college costs. Best of luck with your college search and applications!

a year ago

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