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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I self-report AP scores?

Hi everyone! I'm in the process of applying to colleges and I know I'm supposed to self-report my AP scores. How exactly do I do this? If any of you have done this before, please let me know the steps I need to take! Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Self-reporting AP scores is a relatively straightforward process. When you're filling out the Common App, there will be a section specifically for reporting your standardized test scores, including AP test scores. Here are the steps to self-report your AP scores in the Common App:

1. In the "Common App" tab, go to the "Education" section.

2. Scroll down until you find the "Standardized Tests" subsection, then click "Add Testing."

3. Select "AP" from the dropdown menu, and you'll be presented with a list of available AP exams.

4. For each AP exam you've taken, find the appropriate test in the list, enter the year you took the exam, and input your score (1-5). If you're expecting to take an AP exam in the future, you can also enter the planned test date in the same section.

5. Repeat this process for all of your completed and planned AP exams. Once you've finished entering all your AP scores, you can move on to the next section of the Common App.

a year ago

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