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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Using the same recommendation letter for multiple colleges?

I have a really great recommendation letter from one of my teachers and I want to use it for multiple college applications. Is this allowed, or do I need separate letters for each college?

8 months ago

It is absolutely allowed and quite common to use the same recommendation letter for multiple college applications. Teachers and counselors usually expect that their letters will be used for several schools and typically write them in a way that makes them applicable to various institutions. When asking for a recommendation letter, inform your teacher about the range of colleges you're applying to and the programs you're interested in, so they can write a more versatile and comprehensive letter.

You do not need separate, unique letters for each college, as that would place an undue burden on your teacher or recommender, given the number of applications and students they often deal with. However, if you are applying to a specific program or school that has unique requirements or you believe that a more personalized recommendation would be beneficial, communicate this with your recommender and see if they are willing to tailor a letter specifically for that institution.

8 months ago

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