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Prepping for MIT admissions interview: any common questions?

Hey guys, I have an MIT admissions interview coming up and I'm a bit nervous. Can anyone who's gone through the process share some common questions they've been asked? I'd like to prepare as much as possible. Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! It's completely normal to be a bit nervous about your MIT admissions interview. Here are some common questions you might be asked during the interview. Remember that your goal is to be genuine and express your passion for your chosen field, as well as show how you would be a good fit for the MIT community.

1. Tell me about yourself and your background.

2. Why are you interested in attending MIT?

3. What are your academic interests, and why are you passionate about them?

4. Can you talk about a project or research work you've completed that you're proud of?

5. How do you spend your time outside of classes (extracurricular activities, hobbies, etc.)?

6. Can you share an example of when you faced a challenge or failure, and how you handled it?

7. What do you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses?

8. How have you demonstrated leadership or teamwork in your extracurricular activities?

9. What are you hoping to accomplish during your time at MIT?

10. Do you have any questions about MIT or the interview process?

It's helpful to consider your experiences and anecdotes that could help answer these questions. Keep in mind, though, that interviews can also be conversational, so the direction it takes could depend on your interviewer. Don't forget to practice active listening and take some time to understand each question before responding. Interviewers are often looking for thoughtful, authentic replies rather than polished performances. Good luck!

8 months ago

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