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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Northwestern: Facts and your experience?

Hey Northwestern students or alumni! I'm considering Northwestern as one of my top choices, and I'd appreciate if you could share some lesser-known facts about the school and your personal experience attending. What do you love about it, and what are some challenges you faced? Thanks so much!

8 months ago

Hey there! I'm glad to hear you're considering Northwestern as one of your top choices. It's an excellent school with lots to offer. Full disclosure: I'm not a Northwestern student or alum, but I'm familiar with the university and have heard from many of my students who've had great experiences there.

One lesser-known fact about Northwestern is its quarter system, which allows students to take more classes and explore a broader range of subjects during their college years. This system also offers opportunities for co-terminal degrees, where students can earn a bachelor's and master's in an accelerated time frame. However, the quarter system makes each term more fast-paced and academically intense, which can be a challenge for some students.

Many students love the diverse range of academic and extracurricular opportunities available at Northwestern. Because the university offers strong programs across various fields, you'll likely find your niche, whether it's engineering, journalism, theater, or anything in between. The campus' proximity to Chicago provides excellent internship and cultural opportunities, while still maintaining a distinct campus experience in Evanston.

That said, the Midwest weather can be quite a challenge for some, especially during the winter months. Be prepared for cold temperatures and snow! Additionally, as with many elite schools, the competitive environment at Northwestern can sometimes be intense. Balancing academics, extracurriculars, and a social life may require some time management skills.

Lastly, Northwestern's campus is known for its picturesque setting on Lake Michigan, with beautiful lakefront views. The campus itself has a mix of modern and historic buildings, creating a vibrant and inspiring environment for students.

Overall, the experiences of Northwestern students will vary based on their personal interests and academic pursuits, but the consensus is generally very positive. I hope this insight helps you in considering Northwestern as a top choice! Good luck with your college search!

8 months ago

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