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Creative side essay ideas?

I have to write an essay describing how I express my creative side, but I'm struggling with finding a good example or topic to discuss. Any suggestions or examples of how you guys showcased your creativity in your essays?

8 months ago

I think a lot of students who aren't 'creative' in the typical sense (artistic, musical, etc) can get tripped up by this type of essay, but don't worry, there are so many ways to express creativity! Here are some ideas to help get you started:

1. Creative problem-solving: Think about a time when you faced a challenge or dilemma and had to come up with a creative solution. This could be in an academic, extracurricular, or personal context. Describe the situation, your creative thought process, and the outcome.

2. Unique hobbies or talents: Do you have any artistic talents, such as painting, drawing, photography, or playing an instrument? You could describe your creative journey with that talent. Alternatively, consider unconventional hobbies or interests you have that showcase your creativity. For example, if you're passionate about cooking, you could write about how you create unique dishes or experiment with flavors.

3. Collaboration and teamwork: Describe a situation where you worked with others on a creative project and explain your role in the team. Think about the different perspectives and ideas that emerged from working together and highlight how this experience broadened your understanding of the creative process.

4. Creativity in everyday life: Discuss how you incorporate creativity into your daily routine. This could be through your approach to studying, organizing, or even the way you engage with family and friends. Emphasize how being creative enhances these experiences for you.

5. Overcoming creative blocks: Everyone encounters moments where creativity seems to stall. Write about a time you faced a creative block and how you overcame it. This could demonstrate your perseverance, adaptability, and willingness to grow as a creative individual.

I hope this gives you a broader idea of what creativity could entail. Good luck with your essay!

8 months ago

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