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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Quick ways to boost my GPA?

I'm a high school junior and I want to improve my GPA before I start applying to colleges next year. What are some effective strategies to raise my GPA quickly? I'm a little bit stressed but ready to work hard. TIA!

a year ago

It's great that you're committed to working hard to improve your GPA, and there are several strategies you can employ to get a boost.

1. Prioritize your time: Evaluate your current schedule and extracurriculars. Focus on the areas where you need the most improvement and allocate more time to studying for those subjects. Be disciplined with your time management to maximize studying efficiency.

2. Seek help: Don't hesitate to ask your teachers, classmates, or even tutors for help if you're struggling with a subject. Consider forming a study group, or take advantage of tutoring services offered by your school, making sure you address any gaps in knowledge or understanding.

3. Communicate with your teachers: Maintain an open line of communication with your teachers. Ask for feedback on what you need to improve and take advantage of their office hours to discuss your progress, clarify any doubts, or ask for additional resources.

4. Improve study habits: Identify your learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and adapt your studying methods accordingly. Use active learning techniques, such as summarizing various sources, quizzing yourself, or teaching the material to someone else.

5. Consider retaking courses: If your school allows it, you can retake courses with low grades to improve those individual scores and ultimately raise your GPA. Make sure you are aware of your school's policies before retaking a course.

6. Take advantage of weighting: Enrolling in Advanced Placement (AP) or honors courses can boost your GPA due to their weighted grading system. However, only pursue this option if you're confident in your ability to manage the workload and maintain strong performance.

Remember, GPA is just one component of your application, and colleges will consider other aspects of your profile as well. Focus on maintaining a strong academic record and demonstrating growth, and be sure to highlight other areas of your application, such as extracurricular and leadership activities. Good luck!

a year ago

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