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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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What's the deal with the Penn Supplement?

Hey everybody, I'm applying to UPenn and I heard there's a supplement, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. Can anyone explain what the Penn supplement entails and what kind of questions they usually ask on it?

a year ago

Hello there! The University of Pennsylvania, like many other colleges, requires applicants to submit a supplement essay(s) in addition to the Common Application or Coalition Application essay. Supplemental essays provide an opportunity for applicants to showcase their fit with the university and demonstrate their knowledge of and passion for UPenn's academic offerings and campus culture.

For the Penn supplement, you will typically find two types of questions: one about your college or school-specific program and another open-ended question. The first question, which is specific to the undergraduate school or program you're applying to, asks you to elaborate on how you plan to explore your academic interests at UPenn. This question may vary slightly in wording depending on the college or program, but it essentially focuses on your academic goals and how UPenn can help you achieve them. When answering this question, it's helpful to research the particular school you're applying to—including its courses, professors, and clubs—so you can include specifics that align with your interests. Make sure you don't just namedrop these aspects of the school; connect them to your previous experiences and future goals to really demonstrate why attending UPenn specifically is so important for you.

The second question is more open-ended and generally promotes reflection on your involvement in community or intellectual engagement. This prompt may change from year to year, but it typically encourages applicants to share a personal story, perspective, or experience that has shaped their lives or aspirations.

Keep in mind that questions can change each year, so make sure you are checking UPenn's website or their Common App page for the correct prompts. Also, you might want to take a look at CollegeVine's blog post that breaks down how to write the UPenn supplements each year (

a year ago

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