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Penn State supplemental essay advice?

Hi everyone! I'm working on my Penn State supplemental essay and could use some help. What points should I emphasize? I'm feeling a little lost here.

a year ago

Hey there! The Penn State supplemental essay can indeed be a bit tricky since it's a bit open-ended, but that also means you have the freedom to get creative and make it your own. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

1. Research the university: Spend some time browsing the Penn State website and familiarizing yourself with the academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, and campus culture. Be sure to focus on aspects of the school that genuinely appeal to you and align with your interests and passions.

2. Connect your interests to Penn State resources: In your essay, it's essential to demonstrate how you would take advantage of what Penn State has to offer in relation to your interests. For example, if you are passionate about biology, discuss a specific research facility, professor, or laboratory at Penn State that you would like to work with. This shows that you have done your research and can envision how you would benefit from attending the school.

3. Show your personality, growth, and potential: Your essay should reflect your unique voice, accomplishments, and aspirations. Don't hesitate to mention personal experiences, as long as they are relevant to your main theme. Ensure that your essay touches upon how you've grown in the past and how you envision your path at Penn State would contribute to your future development.

4. Be specific and concise: Although you have freedom with this essay, keep your writing focused. Aim to make every sentence meaningful and relevant to the central theme of your essay. It's crucial to avoid generic statements or clichés - focus on what genuinely excites you about Penn State and convey that enthusiasm.

Remember, the goal of this essay is to help the admissions committee understand why you are a good fit for Penn State and vice versa. Keep these suggestions in mind, stay true to yourself, and have fun crafting your essay! Good luck!

a year ago

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