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Boston College Writing Supplement Tips?

I'm working on my application for Boston College, and I was wondering if anyone has any advice on their writing supplement. What kind of topics are they looking for, and any tips to stand out? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

When approaching the Boston College writing supplement, the key is to showcase your unique voice, experiences, and perspective. Here are some tips to make your supplement stand out:

1. Carefully read the prompt: Boston College often provides multiple essay prompts. Make sure you choose one that genuinely connect with, and that it aligns with your interests and experiences. If you try to force a topic, your essay may come across as disingenuous.

2. Show fit with Boston College: While the supplement is an opportunity to share your story, it's also essential to demonstrate how your values and goals align with those of Boston College. Make sure to research the school, its programs, and campus culture to show how you would fit in and contribute to the community.

3. Be authentic: Don't try to write about what you think the admissions officers want to read. Instead, focus on your passions, beliefs, and experiences, as this will make your essay more engaging and memorable.

4. Avoid cliché topics: While you may be tempted to write about common themes such as sports victories or moving schools, these can often come across as cliché and generic. Instead, try to find a unique angle or experience that sets you apart from other applicants. Remember, it's not the topic itself, but the way you narrate and reflect on it that makes an essay compelling. You can read more about topics to avoid, and how to adjust your approach, on CollegeVine's blog:

5. Focus on depth, not breadth: Instead of trying to cover multiple aspects of your life or achievements, focus on one particular experience or idea and explore it in depth. This will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your critical thinking, self-reflection, and ability to write engagingly.

6. Be concise and clear: Your essay should be well-organized, concise, and clear, rather than relying on excessive jargon or overly complex sentences that may confuse the reader. Brevity is key!

7. Edit, edit, and edit again: Give yourself enough time to revise and polish your essay multiple times. Proofreading for grammatical errors and awkward phrasings is essential. Also, consider getting feedback from a teacher, counselor, or other trusted individual who is familiar with the college essay process.

8. Take advantage of CollegeVine's resources: If you're looking for even more detailed guidance, CollegeVine has a blog post breaking down Boston College's current supplemental essay prompts: You can also take advantage of CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool, or submit your essay for a paid review by an expert college admissions advisor through CollegeVine's marketplace. Sometimes, getting a more objective look at your essay by someone who doesn't already know you is the best way to see what still needs improvement.

Remember, the primary purpose of the supplement is to provide insight into who you are as a person beyond grades and test scores. By thoughtfully reflecting on your experiences and effectively communicating your perspective, you'll have a strong chance of standing out in the admissions process. Good luck!

a year ago

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