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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Online community service ideas?

Does anyone have online community service ideas I could do from home? Since I can't drive, I think it would just be easier to find online opportunities, if you know of any.

8 months ago

Sure, there are plenty of online community service opportunities available! Here are some ideas for you to consider:

1. Online tutoring: Many students need extra help, especially with remote learning, and you can volunteer to tutor them in subjects you excel in. Reach out to local schools, libraries, or non-profit organizations that organize tutoring programs.

2. Virtual volunteering with non-profits: Browse through websites like VolunteerMatch or Idealist to find organizations that need remote assistance. This could include administrative work, social media management, content creation, or graphic design.

3. Crisis helpline support: Consider becoming a trained volunteer for crisis text lines or online chat support for mental health hotlines. This can be a great way to help people in need while gaining valuable communication and empathy skills.

4. Transcription and translation services: Some organizations, like Project Gutenberg, need volunteers to help transcribe and translate historical documents or books, making them accessible to the public. This could be an excellent opportunity if you're interested in history or languages.

5. Digital advocacy: Raise awareness for social issues or non-profits on social media by sharing content, news, or important updates. This helps to spread the message and increase visibility for the causes you care about.

6. Coding and web development: If you have programming or web development skills, many non-profits could benefit from your help with website updates or app development. Check out organizations like Code for Social Good or Catchafire.

7. Virtual event organization: With many events moving online, non-profits need assistance in planning and coordinating virtual gatherings, such as webinars, fundraisers, or community meetings.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember, volunteering in any capacity is valuable and can make a meaningful impact. Be sure to find opportunities that align with your interests and skills. Good luck!

8 months ago

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