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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 2.84 GPA Competitive?

Hi everyone! My GPA is a 2.84 and I'm wondering if that's considered a good GPA for college admissions. If not, what should I focus on in my applications to make up for it? Really appreciate any advice you all have!

8 months ago

Hello! A 2.84 GPA is below the average GPA of students admitted to most four-year colleges and universities. However, don't be disheartened, as a lower GPA doesn't necessarily mean you can't gain admission to a good college. To compensate for your GPA, focus on other aspects of your application that can help you stand out.

1. Strong SAT/ACT scores: Scoring well on standardized tests can demonstrate your academic abilities and partially offset a lower GPA. Aim for scores at the higher end of the range for colleges you're interested in.

2. Extracurricular activities: Be actively involved in extracurricular activities that showcase your passions and skills. Colleges value commitment and leadership in clubs, volunteer work, and other areas outside of the classroom. Aim for a mix of spikes (very deep involvement in a few areas) and more diverse, quality activities.

3. Personal Essay: Write a compelling and unique personal essay that highlights your strengths, experiences, and perspective. Make sure to proofread and seek feedback from others to ensure that it stands out.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Ask teachers, counselors, or other adults who know you well for strong letters of recommendation. These endorsements can highlight your abilities, work ethic, and personal qualities that may not be evident through your GPA alone.

5. Consider applying to schools with test-optional or test-flexible admissions policies so that your test scores won't be the primary focus. You can also explore community colleges and transfer programs, as many community colleges have agreements with four-year institutions that facilitate seamless transfers for students who excel during their community college years.

Remember to be realistic in your college search and apply to a range of schools, including safety, match, and reach schools. Your best approach is to focus on what you can control at this point, such as improving your SAT/ACT scores, deepening your involvement in extracurriculars, and crafting a compelling personal essay. Good luck!

8 months ago

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