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How to include family responsibilities in the Common App activities section?

I've been juggling school and helping my family, and I've dedicated a significant amount of time to family responsibilities. How do I highlight this in the activities section on the Common App? Can someone provide an example of how to write it? Thanks!

a year ago

It's important to acknowledge the time commitment and responsibility involved in family obligations, so that colleges can fully understand the context of your high school experience. To include family responsibilities in the Common App activities section, describe your responsibilities and overall role in your family. Remember to mention the hours per week and weeks per year that you are involved in this activity.

Here's an example of how to write about family responsibilities in the activities section:

Activity Type: Family Responsibilities

Position/Leadership: Primary Caretaker for Younger Siblings

Description: Supervise and care for three younger siblings (ages 5-12) while parents work full-time; manage schedules, prepare meals, and assist with remote schoollearning.

Hours per week: 20

Weeks per year: 52

If relevant, make sure to also emphasize the impact of your involvement, such as ensuring the well-being of family members by assisting with medical tasks, or providing financial support. This way, admissions officers can recognize and appreciate the significant role you've played in your family's life.

You could also consider going into more detail about your family obligations in one of your essays, whether your personal statement, a supplement, or even the "Additional Information" section, if none of the other essay seem quite right. You can read about how to address your family responsibilities in the "Additional Information" on CollegeVine's blog:

Best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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