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MIT summer research program for high school students

Does anyone know if MIT offers any summer research programs for high school students? If so, what's the application process like and what kind of research opportunities are available?

a year ago

MIT does offer a summer research program for high school students called the Research Science Institute (RSI). RSI is a highly competitive six-week summer program that provides around 80 high-achieving rising high school seniors with the opportunity to conduct research at MIT in various fields, such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, engineering, computer science, and more. Participants are paired with MIT researchers or faculty members to work on cutting-edge research projects, which provides students with valuable exposure to the scientific research process.

The application process for RSI is quite competitive. To apply, you'll typically need to submit an online application form, which includes short answer questions, two personal statements, your academic transcript, two letters of recommendation, a list of extracurricular activities, and any standardized test scores (like the SAT or ACT) if you have them.

You'll also need to provide information about your past research experience, if applicable. Keep in mind that the selection process is rigorous, so ensure your application comprehensively showcases your passion for research and your chosen field.

It's essential to start the application process early, as deadlines tend to be in late fall or early winter, and you'll want ample time to gather the required materials and polish your application. In terms of planning your summer, the program dates typically range from late June to early August. It's worth noting that RSI is free of cost, making it accessible to a wide range of students.

I hope you find this information helpful, and good luck with your application!

a year ago

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