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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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August SAT Curve

Hey fellow juniors! I've been hearing some mixed opinions about the August SAT and its curve. Does anyone have any insight into whether the curve for the August SAT is usually good or not? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! It's important to note that the curve for the SAT is based on each specific test, not on the month it's administered. When people refer to a "good" or "bad" curve, they're typically referring to how forgiving the scoring is in regard to the number of questions a student can miss and still achieve a certain score.

The College Board creates the curve to account for small differences in difficulty across different test versions, ensuring that students who take a slightly more challenging test are not disadvantaged. They use a process called "equating," which allows them to compare scores on different test forms fairly. So, you can't necessarily predict a curve based solely on the month of the test.

To have the best shot at an ideal score, focus on mastering the content and strategies that are necessary for the SAT, rather than trying to predict or rely on the curve. Good luck with your studies and future testing!

8 months ago

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