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Georgetown Supplements: What to Focus On?

Hi, friends! I'm currently working on my Georgetown supplemental essays and wondering if anyone who's been through the process has any advice on what to focus on? Trying to make sure my essays are strong and unique. Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! Congrats on working on your Georgetown supplemental essays. Having strong and unique essays can make your application stand out. Here are some general tips on what to focus on for Georgetown supplements:

1. Be research-oriented: Georgetown values students who show a genuine interest in their chosen field of study. Take the time to research courses, professors, and academic opportunities that appeal to you at Georgetown. Make specific references to these opportunities in your essays to show you've done your homework and are excited about engaging with the academic community on campus.

2. Emphasize your passion: For the shorter prompts asking you about your extracurriculars or why you want to study your selected major, be sure to focus on the aspects that you're most passionate about and why. Explain the impact you've made in your current activities and how you plan to continue that at Georgetown.

3. Demonstrate cultural fit: Georgetown is known for its commitment to social justice, global understanding, and Jesuit values. When discussing your past experiences, highlight how they've shaped your worldview and your commitment to these values. Address how you plan to contribute meaningfully to the Georgetown community in terms of these principles.

4. Showcase your unique perspective: Your essays should bring something new to the table that your regular application doesn't already show. Share a unique story, hobby, skill, or an aspect of your identity that isn't apparent elsewhere in your application. Use vivid and engaging language to paint a picture of who you are and how you'll add to Georgetown's diverse community.

5. Stay true to your voice and experiences: Genuine essays resonate with admissions officers. Be true to your personal voice and experiences, avoiding cliches and overused topics. Make sure your essays are a reflection of who you are and what you care about.

To learn more about these essays, read this blog post: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-georgetown-university-essays/

To sum up, make sure your essays communicate your passion, demonstrate fit with Georgetown's values, and showcase your unique perspective. Good luck with your supplemental essays and hopefully your application process to Georgetown goes well!

8 months ago

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