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Computer Engineering vs. Software Engineering: Which one to study?

I'm having trouble deciding between majoring in Computer Engineering or Software Engineering. What's the main difference between the two? Is one more specialized or sought after by employers than the other? I'd appreciate any insights y'all can share to help me make a decision!

a year ago

The main difference between Computer Engineering and Software Engineering lies in the focus and scope of each field. Computer Engineering (CompE) is a broader discipline that covers both hardware and software aspects of computing systems. In a CompE program, you'll learn about the design, development, and integration of hardware and software components in electronic devices and computers, from microprocessors and memory systems to peripherals and communications networks.

On the other hand, Software Engineering (SWE) is a more specialized discipline that deals exclusively with the design, development, testing, and maintenance of software systems. In a SWE program, you'll focus on understanding software processes, programming languages, algorithms, software architecture, and software quality assurance.

In terms of job prospects, both fields are currently in high demand and have various opportunities in industries like tech, manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, and more. However, Software Engineering might have wider scope due to the prevalence of software systems across various industries. It's worth noting that the specific skills and expertise you develop during your studies can be more important to employers than the name of your major.

Ultimately, the right choice for you depends on your interests and future career goals. If you're drawn to working with hardware and understanding how computing systems are designed and integrated, Computer Engineering may be a better fit for you. If you're more interested in designing and developing software systems, or have a strong passion for coding, Software Engineering could be the way to go. Consider researching more about both fields, talking to professionals and alumni, and maybe even attending lectures or workshops to get a better feel for each discipline before making a decision.

To learn more about the differences between these majors, read the following blog post:

a year ago

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