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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How Impressive is a 3.25 GPA?

Hey guys, I'm sitting on a 3.25 GPA halfway through my junior year and I'm curious if this is considered a good GPA for college admissions. What are your thoughts on how competitive this GPA is, and what can I do to make my application stand out?

a year ago

Hey there! A 3.25 GPA is considered good, falling around the 50th percentile, but it might not be very competitive for more selective colleges. The competitiveness of your GPA could also vary depending on your high school context, such as how rigorous your course load is and your class rank.

To improve your application, focus on building a strong profile outside of academics. Here are some suggestions:

1. Extracurriculars: If you haven't done so already, get involved in extracurricular activities that you're passionate about and align with your interests and goals for the future. Strive to attain leadership positions or make significant contributions to these activities to build your profile. Aim for a mix of Tier 1-3 extracurriculars, focusing more on impact and quality than just joining many clubs.

2. Standardized tests: If you haven't taken the SAT or ACT yet, you might consider preparing for them, as a strong standardized test score could help compensate for a slightly lower GPA. Invest time in test prep and take advantage of free resources, like Khan Academy, to boost your scores.

3. Essays: Write compelling and well-crafted essays that reveal more about who you are, your values, and your unique story. Avoid cliché topics and make sure your essay reflects your genuine voice. Showcase your personal growth and what you've learned from your experiences.

4. Letters of Recommendation: Develop relationships with teachers and mentors who know you well and can attest to your strengths, abilities, and personal growth. A solid letter of recommendation can give admissions officers insight into how you've overcome challenges and your potential to succeed in college.

5. Community service and involvement: Engage in meaningful service experiences that demonstrate your commitment to bettering your community and serving others. Being able to show authentic engagement and impact in your chosen service activities can help strengthen your application.

Remember that colleges evaluate applicants holistically, so your GPA is just one piece of the puzzle. By focusing on other aspects, emphasizing your strengths, and demonstrating passion and commitment, you can help make your application stand out. Good luck!

a year ago

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