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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rice Early Decision

I'm considering applying to Rice University Early Decision and wanted to know if their ED is binding or not. If I get accepted, am I committed to attending Rice?

a year ago

Yes, Rice University's Early Decision (ED) is binding. If you apply through the Early Decision plan and are accepted, you are committed to attending Rice and must withdraw all other college applications you've submitted. Before applying ED, it's essential to be certain that Rice is your top-choice school and that you're comfortable with the financial aid options. However, if your financial aid package isn't sufficient, you can discuss your situation with Rice's financial aid office or potentially decline the offer due to financial reasons. Applying ED can increase your chances of admission slightly, but make sure you're fully committed to attending Rice before selecting this option.

a year ago

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