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Michigan supplemental essay tips?

Hey guys, I'm working on my University of Michigan supplemental essays, and I'm a bit nervous. Can anyone share any advice on what to focus on while writing these essays? Or any successful examples from past applicants? Thank you!

8 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some tips for the University of Michigan supplemental essays! There are two prompts you'll need to address: the "Why Michigan" essay and the "Community" essay.

1. Why Michigan Essay:

This essay asks you to explain why you want to attend the University of Michigan specifically. Here's how you can approach this:

- Research: Investigate the programs, clubs, and campus culture that make the University of Michigan unique. Demonstrate that you've done your homework and understand what the university has to offer.

- Be specific: Don't just talk about why Michigan is a great school academically. Focus on particular aspects, courses, or majors that excite you. Highlight unique programs or faculty that you're excited to learn from or collaborate with.

- Fit: Explain how Michigan aligns with your personal values, goals, or passions. Show the admissions committee how you'll contribute to the campus community and take advantage of the opportunities at Michigan.

2. Community Essay:

This essay asks you to describe a community you belong to and how that community has shaped your experiences. Here's how to approach this:

- Select a community: Think about the various communities you belong to - family, neighborhood, school clubs, sports teams, etc. Pick one that has had a meaningful impact on your life and growth as a person.

- Focus on personal experiences: Talk about specific experiences within the community and how they shaped your values, interests, or goals. Avoid generalizations or cliches—instead, show the admissions committee your unique perspective.

- Reflect on your role: Describe your role or contributions to the community and how those experiences have helped you develop leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving skills. This will showcase the qualities that you'll bring to the University of Michigan.

To learn more, read this blog post: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-michigan-essays/

As for successful examples from past applicants, I can't provide any due to privacy concerns. However, if you follow the tips above and write an authentic, well-thought-out response, you'll be on the right track to crafting a strong University of Michigan supplemental essay. Good luck!

8 months ago

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