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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How long does it take for SAT results to come out?

Hi everyone, I'm stressing a bit over my recent SAT. I was just wondering, how long does it usually take for SAT results to be released after taking the test? Any experiences or info you could share would make my wait a bit easier. Thank you!

8 months ago

Hey there! I understand that waiting for SAT results can be nerve-wracking. In general, it takes about 14 days for SAT scores to be released after the test date. Multiple-choice scores are typically released first, followed by essay scores (if you took that section) after a few additional days.

Keep in mind that these are general timeframes and can vary slightly depending on factors such as the volume of test takers for a particular test date. To stay updated, you can check the College Board website for the specific test date score release schedule or log in to your College Board account to view your scores once they become available. Best of luck and I hope your SAT results meet your expectations!

8 months ago

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