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Notre Dame Supplemental Essay Tips

Hey, I'm starting to plan my Notre Dame supplemental essays and I'm feeling a bit stressed. Does anyone have advice on how to tackle these essays, and what themes or topics have worked well for successful applicants in the past?

8 months ago

Hey there! I understand the stress that comes with supplemental essays, but with some guidance and organization, you'll do great. CollegeVine has a breakdown with all of Notre Dame's essay prompts, which you can find here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-university-of-notre-dame-essays

Successful applicants often write well-structured essays with a clear narrative, while also demonstrating their character, values, and passions. One key tip is to make sure your essays are authentic and true to who you are. Admissions officers can tell when applicants write what they think they want to hear instead of being genuine.

Keep your essays focused on your unique experiences and how they have shaped you, rather than trying to appeal to clichés or popular topics. Be thoughtful, reflective, and genuine in your writing, and really emphasize the connection between your experiences and the values that Notre Dame upholds.

Remember to proofread and revise as much as needed to make sure your essays are polished and free of errors. Good luck with your Notre Dame essays!

8 months ago

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