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IUP Room and Board?

Hey peeps, I was recently accepted to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) and I'm trying to figure out the costs for room and board. Can anyone provide info on the available dorm options and meal plans?

a year ago

Congratulations on your acceptance to Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP)! I'm happy to help you learn more about the available dorm options and meal plans.

IUP offers several residence hall options to accommodate different preferences and budgets. The various halls are categorized as either traditional or suite-style.

Traditional residence halls comprise of double or triple-occupancy rooms, shared bathrooms on each floor, and community living spaces. Suite-style residence halls, on the other hand, consist of single, double, or triple rooms, often with a shared bathroom for a suite of two to four students.

Some of the most popular halls on campus include:

- Stephenson Hall: Traditionally designed, freshman-only residence hall with double rooms, walk-in closets, and community restrooms on each floor.

- Delaney Hall: Suite-style residence hall featuring separate bedrooms, shared living room, bathroom, and kitchenette for every suite.

- Northern Suites: Apartment-style living for upperclassmen with separate bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, and bathroom in each apartment.

For meal plans, IUP provides various options that cater to students' preferences and needs. They offer a range of meal plans, including:

- 19 Meals per Week Plan: Offers 19 meals per week and 75 Flex Dollars per semester.

- 14 Meals per Week Plan: Offers 14 meals per week and 125 Flex Dollars per semester.

- 10 Meals per Week Plan: Offers 10 meals per week and 150 Flex Dollars per semester.

- 5 Meals per Week Plan: Available exclusively for apartment and suite residents, offers 5 meals per week and 175 Flex Dollars per semester.

Flex Dollars can be used at on-campus dining locations like the food court, markets, and cafes. Keep in mind that meal plan costs may vary depending on the number of meals and the type of housing you select.

To get a better idea of the exact costs for room and board at IUP, I recommend visiting their website and checking the Housing and Dining sections for specific rates.

Good luck, and I hope you have a great time at IUP!

a year ago

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