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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 6.0 GPA even possible?

Hey, I heard someone talking about having a 6.0 GPA. Is that even possible or was the person just bragging? I thought the highest GPA you could have was a 4.0 or a 5.0 (weighted). Can someone clarify this for me?

a year ago

Hello! It sounds like there might be some confusion around GPA scales. The most common GPA scales are:

1. Unweighted 4.0 scale: Where an A equals 4.0, B equals 3.0, etc., and there's no additional weight assigned to honors or AP classes.

2. Weighted 5.0 scale: Where an A in an honors or AP class equals 5.0, while an A in a regular class is still 4.0.

However, different schools sometimes have their own unique GPA scales with varying maximum scores. In some cases, schools design their scales to weight certain courses more heavily or to accommodate a larger number of AP or honors classes. That being said, a 6.0 GPA is possible on a non-standard scale adopted by a specific school or school district.

To know if someone’s 6.0 GPA is valid, you would need to understand the specific GPA scale used by their school or district. While it may seem unusual, it could indeed be possible. Just remember that colleges are aware of different grading scales and will typically recalculate GPAs based on a uniform scale to compare applicants fairly.

a year ago

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