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AP English Language Difficulty

Hey, I'm trying to plan out my schedule for next year, and I'm wondering about AP English Language (AP Lang). For those who have taken it, was it a really difficult class? How much time did you need to spend on studying and completing coursework?

8 months ago

Hey! It's great that you're planning your schedule. AP English Language, or AP Lang, is generally considered a medium-level difficulty course. However, the level of difficulty can vary depending on your skills, interests, and the specific teacher you get.

AP Lang primarily focuses on rhetoric, argumentation, and analysis of non-fiction texts. If you enjoy critical thinking, analyzing texts, and constructing arguments, you may find the course more manageable and enjoyable. However, if you prefer creative writing, literature, or have weaker analytical skills, you might experience some challenges.

The workload in AP Lang typically involves reading articles, essays, or speeches and analyzing their rhetorical strategies. You'll also be writing a variety of essays, with an emphasis on argumentative and analytical writing. As for studying, you'll need to dedicate time to learning terminology, mastering rhetorical devices, and developing your writing skills.

The time you need to spend on coursework will depend on your current abilities. Expect to spend at least a few hours per week on reading, analyzing texts, and writing essays, though. It's crucial to manage your time well and stay organized since consistent practice is imperative to improving in this course. And, if you're finding anything tricky, make sure to reach out to your teacher early, to ensure your confusion doesn't get worse as you delve more deeply into a concept.

Overall, if you're willing to put in the effort and practice, you can certainly do well in AP Lang. Good luck!

8 months ago

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