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What are some popular Common App essay topics?

I'm about to start writing my Common App essay, but I'm not sure what to write about. What are some popular topics or prompts that you've seen? And do you have any advice on choosing a topic that will make my essay stand out?

a year ago

Some popular Common App essay topics include:

1. Personal growth and introspection - This often involves overcoming personal challenges, learning from failures, or discovering an important aspect of your identity.

2. Significant life events - These could include family dynamics, a major move, or an impactful life change.

3. Intellectual curiosity - Students often write about their academic interests, such as a subject area that fascinates them or why a certain topic resonates with them.

4. Inspirational people or communities - Some essays discuss influential mentors, supportive family members, or tight-knit communities that shaped the author's goals and values.

5. Extracurricular pursuits or hobbies - Applicants may discuss the impact of a particular activity or passion on their life and what lessons they've learned from these experiences.

To make your essay stand out, consider the following tips:

1. Show, don't tell - Use specific examples, anecdotes, or personal stories to illustrate your points. This helps admissions officers gain a deeper understanding of your character and personal experiences.

2. Be authentic - Write about something that has been truly influential in your life, rather than choosing a topic you think will impress the admissions committee. Authenticity is more likely to create a powerful and memorable essay.

3. Reflect on your experiences - Colleges are interested in your self-awareness and how you've grown. Make sure to explain the impact your chosen topic or experience has had on you, and demonstrate your maturity and thoughtfulness throughout the essay.

4. Write with clear structure and flow - A well-organized essay with a logical sequence of ideas will be easier to read and understand. Make sure your essay flows smoothly and is easy for readers to follow.

5. Revise and edit - Proofread your essay multiple times to ensure it is free of errors and well-polished. Revising for clarity and coherence can significantly improve the quality of your writing.

Remember, your Common App essay provides an opportunity to showcase your unique perspective and experiences, so focus on a topic that truly matters to you and reflects who you are. There are some topics you should probably avoid, as they're overused and thus difficult to make truly your own. You can read about some of these topics, and how to adjust your approach, on CollegeVine's blog:

CollegeVine's blog also contains more detailed guidance on how to brainstorm for, write, and revise your Common App essay: And finally, remember that CollegeVine offers both a free peer essay review tool and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors. Either of these resources can provide you with a more objective look at your essay, which can give you a better sense of whether your topic is working.

Good luck!

a year ago

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