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How do I start my college essay with an introduction about myself?

I'm currently writing my college essay and struggling with how to introduce myself in an engaging way. Does anyone have advice on how to start off strong without sounding too cliché or boring? Any tips would be great!

a year ago

Starting your college essay with an engaging introduction can be challenging, but it's crucial to capture the reader's attention right away. Here are a few strategies to help you start off strong:

1. Start with an anecdote: Begin your essay with a brief, personal story that showcases an aspect of your personality or experience. This can help draw the reader in and make them curious to learn more about you.

2. Use a powerful quote or statement: If you have a quote or statement that resonates with you and reflects your values or aspirations, consider starting your essay with it. This can set the tone for the rest of your essay and provide a memorable beginning.

3. Ask a thought-provoking question: Engage the reader by posing a question that gets them thinking about the topic or theme of your essay. This can create intrigue and demonstrate your intellectual curiosity.

4. Employ vivid imagery or sensory details: Use descriptive language to paint a picture of a specific moment or experience. By engaging the reader's senses, you can create a strong emotional connection and leave a lasting impression.

5. Create a powerful opening line: Keep your opening line short, crisp, and intriguing, setting the stage for your essay. By composing a strong first sentence, you can hook the reader and make them eager to read more about you.

6. Take advantage of CollegeVine's resources: CollegeVine has a blog post breaking down how to craft the perfect "hook" for your essay (, and also offers both a free peer essay review tool and paid reviews by expert college admissions advisors - both of these resources will allow you to try out your introduction on a neutral party, which can give you a better sense of how well your approach is working.

Remember to avoid clichés or overused phrases when introducing yourself, as this can hurt your essay's originality. Stay true to your voice, and focus on what makes you unique. By using one of these strategies, you'll increase your chances of crafting an engaging introduction and capturing the reader's attention throughout your college essay. Good luck!

a year ago

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