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Opinions on AP European History?

Hi all! I'm considering enrolling in AP European History next year, and I wanted some input from people who've taken it before. How challenging is the course, and what is the workload like? What are some pros and cons? Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hi! I took AP European History a few years ago, and I'd be happy to share my perspective. Overall, I found the course to be challenging but manageable. The challenge mostly comes from the breadth of material you'll cover, ranging from the Renaissance to present day. It's essential to stay organized and keep up with the active pace of the class.

The workload will vary depending on your school and your teacher, but for me, it was moderate with a combination of textbook readings, essays, and some group projects. One pro is that the class helps develop your critical thinking and analytical writing skills, which will be beneficial in other subjects and college courses. You'll also learn about important events, historical figures, and cultural phenomena that shaped Europe's development.

One con is that the course may be time-consuming, especially when studying for exams, since you'll need to become proficient in a large amount of content. It's essential to stay on top of the material and not fall behind.

Overall, if you're interested in history and enjoy learning about different time periods, cultures, and events that shaped the European continent, it can be a rewarding experience. Just be prepared to put in the time and effort to succeed in the class. Good luck with your decision!

8 months ago

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