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Need help brainstorming ideas for a diversity essay

Hey guys! I'm working on my college essays and I need to write a diversity essay. Any suggestions on how to approach this topic? What have you guys written about? I want to make my essay stand out but I'm struggling with a good subject to focus on. Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! Brainstorming ideas for a diversity essay can be a bit challenging as you want to make it unique and personal. To help you get started, consider the following:

1. Personal background: Think about aspects of your background that have shaped your identity and experiences. This could include your cultural heritage, family traditions, or the community you grew up in. For example, if you come from a multicultural family that celebrates unique holidays or customs, you can choose a particular tradition that has greatly influenced your worldview.

2. Perspective: Reflect on your unique take on the world or any unconventional viewpoints you hold. Maybe you have a specific philosophy about life, an interesting story about overcoming adversity, or a unique hobby that has shaped your perspective. Consider how these aspects of your identity have led you to see things differently and contribute to a diverse environment.

3. Talents or skills: If you have any uncommon talents or skills that would make you stand out among your peers, consider discussing them in your essay. For instance, if you're an accomplished musician in a non-mainstream genre or a multilingual polyglot, explore how these talents have contributed to your personal growth and how they could add to the college's diversity.

4. Experiences with diversity: Sometimes, the best way to demonstrate your appreciation and understanding of diversity is by sharing your experiences with different cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, or perspectives. You could discuss how your participation in a specific volunteer program, study abroad, or extracurricular activity has broadened your worldview and deepened your commitment to fostering a diverse community.

To make your essay stand out, be honest and genuine in sharing your experiences, be focused on a specific aspect of your diversity, and show how it has contributed to your personal growth. Emphasize how your unique background, perspective, or experiences will contribute to the college community and create a more inclusive environment. Good luck with your essay!

a year ago

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