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TCU room and board costs?

I'm considering applying to Texas Christian University and was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of the costs for room and board at TCU? I've looked at their website, but I'd like to hear from current or former students about their experiences with housing expenses.

a year ago

As a current TCU student, I can share some basic information about TCU's room and board costs and students' experiences with housing expenses. Keep in mind that exact costs may vary based on factors such as which residence hall you're in and whether you choose a room with a private bathroom or shared bathroom.

For 2023-2024, the average cost for room and board at TCU was around $14,800. Room costs alone range from approximately $5,520 to $8,700, depending on the type of room and residence hall. Board, which refers to meal plans, range from $4,110 to $6,100 per year. You should note that most freshmen are required to choose a full meal plan, making the cost more expensive.

Personally, me and my friends have had positive experiences with TCU housing, as campus dorms and apartments are well-maintained and provide a comfortable living experience. However, expenses can add up, especially if you choose to upgrade to a more expensive dorm or meal plan for a higher quality experience. Off-campus housing near TCU can be a good option to explore after your freshman year, since it might provide some cost savings in certain situations.

Also, remember to account for additional personal expenses when estimating your overall cost of living at TCU. Utilities, laundry, transportation, and other variable costs might affect your budget. Good luck with your application!

a year ago

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