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Questbridge scholarship income requirements?

Hey guys, so I've been considering applying for the Questbridge scholarship. I was looking into the income requirements, and I'm not sure if my family's income would qualify. Can anyone clarify the income eligibility for me? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! Questbridge is a fantastic opportunity and I'm glad you're looking into it. Questbridge is aimed at high-achieving, low-income students. While there isn't a strict income cutoff, most selected scholars tend to come from households earning less than $65,000 annually for a family of four.

However, here's the key point: Questbridge also considers other financial factors like family size, cost of living in your area, and any unusual financial situations (such as high medical expenses or multiple siblings in college). So don't get too concerned if your family's income is slightly above that threshold. If you believe your financial situation makes you a good fit for the program, I encourage you to apply.

Also, remember that the income requirement is just one part of the application. Questbridge highly values students who have strong academic records and demonstrate leadership, perseverance, and commitment to their communities. Focus on showcasing these qualities in your application as well. Best of luck!

a year ago

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