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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Res Life at ATU—Advice Needed

Hey, I'm considering attending ATU next year and wanted to know more about the res life there. Can any current or former students share their experiences with the dorms, RAs, and overall atmosphere in the residential halls? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi, happy to offer some insight into ATU's residential life! While I'm not a current or former student, I have a close friend who shared their experience with me.

Regarding the dorms, options typically include traditional double rooms, single rooms, and suite-style living. The dorm buildings themselves range from older, historic halls to more modern ones. Generally, freshman dorms are double rooms and might be less polished compared to upperclassman housing.

As you progress through your years, the options open up and you might get a chance to live in a more modern building. Students report having a good mix of study spaces, lounges, and common areas in most dorms, which can facilitate a balance between work and social life.

When it comes to resident advisors (RAs), the majority are helpful and dedicated to creating a positive living environment for students. They plan various events, floor meetings, and programs to help build a sense of community in the dorms. Some RAs also try to be proactive in addressing roommate conflicts and other residential issues by fostering open communication among residents.

The overall atmosphere in the residential halls will vary depending on the specific dorm, but my friend mentioned that ATU is known for having a fairly friendly and welcoming res life culture. Students are usually eager to engage with their floormates and participate in dorm-related activities. It's important to note that individual experiences will differ, and you can have a say in shaping your dorm experience by being active in the community, joining the hall council, or attending events.

Of course, keep in mind that everyone's experience will be unique, so it's important to get a range of perspectives to better understand res life at ATU. Attending an open house or getting in touch with current students through the school's social media can also shed more light on the residential experience and help you make an informed decision. Best of luck!

a year ago

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