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Examples of Ivy League essays that worked?

Hello! I'm working on my college essays, specifically for Ivy League schools. Does anyone know where I can find examples of essays that worked so I can get a better idea of what they're looking for? Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking for inspiration and guidance on college essays for Ivy League schools. There are several places you can find examples of successful essays, but a reliable source is the official websites of the Ivy League universities themselves. For example, you can check out Harvard's past successful essays by searching "50 Successful Harvard Application Essays" or check out Yale's advice page on their admissions site, which includes some essay examples.

Another place to look would be CollegeVine. They have a blog where they sometimes share successful essays and provide analysis on why the essays worked. Keep in mind, though, that while these examples can serve as useful guides, it's essential to create unique, authentic essays that showcase your personal experiences and voice.

Here's the link for CollegeVine's example essays from real students: https://www.collegevine.com/category/essays/essay-examples

Here's a CollegeVine article with Ivy League example essays specifically: https://blog.collegevine.com/ivy-league-essay-examples

Additionally, consider purchasing essay guidebooks, which often feature successful essays from top schools. Titles like "50 Successful Ivy League Application Essays" may be helpful in providing various examples and perspectives. Just remember, while these books and essays can be instructive, your essay should ultimately be your individual work, telling your unique story.

Lastly, don't hesitate to leverage your school's resources. Reach out to your high school's guidance or college counselor, as they often have access to successful essays from previous students and can provide you with personalized feedback. Good luck on your essays!

8 months ago

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