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Talking about yourself in a college essay?

Hey guys! I'm working on my personal statement for college apps, and I'm finding it a bit difficult to talk about myself without sounding too braggy or dull. Any tips on how to strike the right balance? Thanks!

a year ago

Definitely, finding that balance can be tough! Here are a few pointers to help you craft a compelling personal statement without coming across as braggy or dull:

1. Show, don't tell: Use anecdotes and examples to illustrate your points. Instead of just stating that you're dedicated or passionate, share a story that demonstrates those qualities. For instance, talk about a time when you spent countless hours working on a project or reached out to solve a problem in your community.

2. Be genuine and authentic: Write about experiences and values that are truly important to you, rather than those you think colleges want to hear. Admissions officers can sense when an applicant is being disingenuous, and it won't reflect well on your application.

3. Reflect on your experiences: Go beyond just describing events or accomplishments. Instead, discuss how they've shaped you as a person, challenged your beliefs, or sparked your intellectual curiosity. This adds depth to your essay and helps convey a sense of introspection.

4. Stay focused: Choose one or two main themes and stick to them throughout your essay, making sure each anecdote or example ties back to those themes. This helps ensure you don't veer off-topic or try to cram too much into your essay.

5. Use a personal voice: Write in a manner that’s natural for you and avoid over-formal language. This creates a more relatable tone and allows your personality to shine through.

6. Edit and revise: Once you've written your essay, take the time to review and revise it to make sure it's clear, engaging, and free of errors. Trim any unnecessary words or phrases and ensure your essay flows smoothly from one idea to the next.

Remember that college essays are an opportunity to share your unique story and showcase your character, so don't be afraid to reveal a bit of vulnerability or discuss personal growth. Good luck with your personal statement!

a year ago

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