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What's a passing score in the IB program?

I'm a little bit stressed about my upcoming IB exams. What score do I need to pass and, if possible, could you provide a breakdown of the scores and the corresponding passing rates? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

I understand the stress that comes with taking exams, especially in the IB program. To pass the IB Diploma Program, you'll need a minimum total score of 24 out of a possible 45 points, alongside several other criteria. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the scoring system and passing requirements:

- Theory of Knowledge (TOK) and Extended Essay (EE) are each graded on a scale from A (highest grade) to E (lowest grade), which are then combined to provide a bonus points score between 0 and 3.

- Each subject is graded on a scale from 1 (lowest grade) to 7 (highest grade), for a total of 6 subjects. This means the maximum score you can get from all your subjects is 42.

- You must achieve at least a grade D in both TOK and EE to be eligible for the IB diploma.

- Your total IB score is a sum of your subject scores (maximum of 42) and your bonus points from TOK and EE (maximum of 3), which can reach a maximum of 45 points.

Regarding passing rates, here's a general guideline:

- 24-29 points: A passing score that meets the minimum requirements for an IB diploma.

- 30-35 points: A solid overall score, demonstrating a good understanding of the subjects and program.

- 36-40 points: A high score, indicating strong academic achievement and understanding of the IB program.

- 41-45 points: Exceptional results, placing you in the top tier of IB students globally.

Keep in mind that you'll also need to fulfill additional requirements, such as meeting specific grade thresholds in higher level (HL) subjects, not earning any grade 1s in your subjects, and completing all CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) requirements. This information can be found in the IB diploma guidelines.

Wishing you the best of luck on your upcoming exams! Remember to stay focused, manage your stress well, and trust the hard work you've put into the program.

a year ago

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