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APUSH Exam Scoring - How are units weighted?

I'm currently studying for the APUSH exam and I'm wondering if anyone knows the percentage of the exam that is based on different units (like periods in history)? This way, I can prioritize my studying more efficiently. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hey! For the AP U.S. History exam, the distribution of content is divided into nine chronological periods. When it comes to the exam, the questions are not equally weighted across these periods, so it's smart to prioritize your studying according to the guidelines provided by the College Board. Here's a rough breakdown of the content allocations for the nine periods:

1. Period 1 (1491-1607): 5% of the exam

2. Period 2 (1607-1754): 10% of the exam

3. Period 3 (1754-1800): 12% of the exam

4. Period 4 (1800-1848): 12% of the exam

5. Period 5 (1844-1877): 13% of the exam

6. Period 6 (1865-1898): 13% of the exam

7. Period 7 (1890-1945): 17% of the exam

8. Period 8 (1945-1980): 15% of the exam

9. Period 9 (1980-Present): 3% of the exam

As you can see, periods 3 through 8 contain the majority of the test content, so it's wise to focus your study efforts on these areas. That said, don't completely neglect the other periods either, as they will still show up on the exam. Good luck with your studying!

8 months ago

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