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Grade transfer when moving schools?

I'm moving to a new school and I'm kinda worried about my transcript. Do your grades automatically transfer when you switch schools? And if they do, how does that work with the differences in grading scales and whatnot?

a year ago

It's understandable that you're concerned about the transfer of your grades during a school move. When you transfer to a new school, your grades generally do transfer along with your transcript. However, the process may vary depending on the schools involved and their specific policies.

To start the transfer process, your current school will typically send your official transcript, which includes your accumulated credits and grades, to your new school. Once your new school receives your transcript, they will evaluate it and determine which courses and grades can be transferred to their system.

Regarding differences in grading scales, the new school often has a standard procedure to convert your grades into their grading system. For instance, if your current school uses a percentage-based grading system (e.g., 90-100% is an A), it may be converted to a different scale, such as a 4.0 GPA-based system, at your new school. The exact conversion process will depend on the grading policies at each school, so it might be a good idea to reach out to a counselor or administrator at your new school for more information.

If your new school doesn't have an established conversion process, they may evaluate your transcript based on the grading scale of your previous school and consider factors like course rigor, your grade in comparison to peers, or how the grade translates to their grading scale.

In any case, it's a good idea to request copies of your transcripts from both your current and new schools for your records, as well as communicate with both schools' counselors to ensure a smooth transfer. And don't forget to ask how your new school calculates your GPA with the transferred grades to help you better understand how it might affect your academic profile.

Good luck with the transition, and I hope this information helps alleviate some of your concerns!

a year ago

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