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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is an 850 SAT score too low?

Hey everyone, I just got my SAT scores and it turned out I got an 850. I'm feeling pretty bummed about it. How bad is this score, and do you guys think I can still get into some decent colleges or universities? Any tips and advice are appreciated.

a year ago

Hey there, I understand that you might be feeling disheartened with an 850 on your SAT. To put things in perspective, the average SAT score is around 1060, so an 850 is considered below average. However, don't lose hope!

There are many schools that may still consider your application, especially if you have a strong GPA, extracurricular involvement, and personal statements that showcase your strengths and potential.

In terms of improving your SAT score, there are a few things you can do. First, try to figure out if you struggled in a specific section or if it was more widespread. If you know which area is causing you trouble, you can then focus your efforts on improving that particular section.

Next, look into various test prep resources, such as Khan Academy or CollegeVine's SAT prep materials. Many of these resources are free and can provide you with helpful practice problems, strategies, and explanations. Additionally, consider setting a regular study schedule that revolves around consistent practice. This might involve tackling one section at a time or setting aside specific days for each test area.

Test-optional and test-flexible schools are also an option to explore. These colleges and universities do not require SAT scores for admission, which means they will evaluate your application based on other factors like your GPA, extracurricular activities, and essays. Research different test-optional colleges to see if any align with your interests and goals.

Lastly, remember that your SAT score is only one element of your college application. While it's an important factor, colleges consider many other aspects, like your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and personal statements. Stay focused on maintaining a strong GPA and continuing to participate in meaningful activities to create a well-rounded application.

Keep a positive attitude, and good luck!

a year ago

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