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What should I expect in my MIT application interview?

Hey guys! I was offered an MIT application interview and I'm really excited but also nervous. What should I expect in terms of the format and questions? And can anyone share any tips or advice on how to make a great impression? Thanks!

a year ago

Congrats on securing an MIT interview! It's an excellent opportunity to showcase your personality and enthusiasm for MIT. Interviews are conducted by MIT Educational Counselors (ECs), who are MIT alumni.

The format is typically an informal conversation-style interview lasting around 45-60 minutes. You'll likely meet at a public location like a coffee shop or library, but confirm the location with your EC. The interview is about getting to know you better and understanding your fit for MIT, so expect questions about your academic interests, extracurricular activities, and personal experiences.

Some example questions you may be asked include:

1. Why are you interested in MIT?

2. Can you tell me about a project or activity you're passionate about?

3. What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

4. How do you see yourself contributing to the MIT community?

5. What are your future goals, and how do you think MIT can help you achieve them?

To make a great impression, follow these tips:

1. Research MIT beforehand to better understand its programs, culture, and values.

2. Prepare to answer common questions concisely, but don't sound rehearsed.

3. Show curiousness, ask the EC questions about their experience at MIT or any advice they have to offer.

4. Dress appropriately (business casual is a safe bet), but don't overdress.

5. Arrive early, be polite, and maintain eye contact. These small gestures show respect and attention to the conversation.

6. Make sure to send a thank-you email to your EC afterward to express your gratitude for their time.

Lastly, remember that while your interview is an important aspect of your application, it isn't the sole determining factor. So, stay calm, be yourself, and enjoy the experience. Good luck!

a year ago

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