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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How many volunteer hours should I aim for?

Hey guys! I'm trying to boost my college applications, and I know community service is important. How many hours of community service would you recommend aiming for prior to applying to college?

8 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome you're interested in community service! Generally, a strong applicant has around 50-200 volunteer hours, but it's important to remember that quality is more valuable than quantity. Admissions officers will appreciate meaningful engagement more than just meeting a certain number of hours.

Aim to find volunteering opportunities that align with your values, interests, or intended major. For example, if you're passionate about coding, you could volunteer to teach elementary schoolers how to code in after-school programs and summer camps. This will make your hours more impactful on your application, as it shows you're truly invested in a cause.

8 months ago

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