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Advice on summer writing classes?

Hi fellow peeps! I'm thinking about taking a writing class this summer. Have any of you attended any summer writing classes that you'd recommend? I'm open to any suggestions! Thanks, and happy applying!

a year ago

Hi there! It's nice to see you're interested in improving your writing skills over the summer. There are several summer writing programs that can be extremely helpful, depending on your interests and location. Here are a few options:

1. Online Courses: Many universities offer online creative writing courses or workshops over the summer. You can check through edx, Coursera, or even the websites of universities you're interested in. These are great options if you prefer to work at your own pace and don't have specific location preferences.

2. Local Workshops: If you prefer in-person interaction and hands-on workshops, look for local writing organizations or community colleges in your area. They often organize summer writing workshops and courses you can join. These programs often include group activities and personal guidance from instructors.

3. Pre-college Programs (Residential or Commuter): Many colleges have summer writing programs aimed at high school students. These programs typically last a few weeks and can focus on various aspects of writing, from creative writing to journalism. They might require applications and can be quite competitive, but they're great for networking and gaining a taste of college life.

4. Young Writers' Conferences: Some organizations host conferences for young writers, offering workshops, masterclasses, and networking opportunities with established authors and peers. This can be a great way to learn and make connections in the writing world.

Make sure to research each program and consider factors like cost, location, and the specific topics or genres you're interested in. Also, apply early as spots can fill up quickly. Good luck in your writing journey, and I hope you find a program that suits your needs!

a year ago

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