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Converting SAT score to ACT: How does a 1210 SAT translate?

Hey guys, I recently took the SAT and scored a 1210. I'm thinking about taking the ACT as well. Can someone help me understand how a 1210 SAT score might translate to an ACT score? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! Congrats on completing the SAT! To give you an idea of how your 1210 SAT score might translate to the ACT, you can use a concordance table. These tables are developed by the organizations that create both the SAT and ACT exams. They show the relationships between SAT and ACT scores so that you can understand how you might perform on one test compared to the other.

According to the most recent concordance table, a 1210 SAT score roughly corresponds to an ACT score of 25. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and might not be an exact representation of your actual performance on the ACT. Factors such as test-taking strategies, timing, and question styles can influence your scores on the two tests differently.

If you do decide to take the ACT, I recommend taking a few practice tests to familiarize yourself with the format and question types. This can help improve your chances of achieving a score that's truly reflective of your abilities. Good luck on your college journey!

a year ago

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