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Calculating semester GPA to cumulative GPA?

Hey guys, so I didn't do too hot this semester and I'm trying to figure out how to calculate my new cumulative GPA. How do you combine your semester GPA with your previous cumulative GPA correctly?

a year ago

Hey there! Calculating your new cumulative GPA from your previous cumulative GPA and your latest semester GPA involves taking into account both your total credit hours and the grade points you've earned. Here's a step-by-step process to do this:

1. Find out the total credit hours you've completed before this semester, as well as your previous cumulative GPA.

2. Multiply your previous cumulative GPA by the total credit hours you completed before this semester. This will give you your total previous grade points.

3. Next, calculate the grade points you've earned this semester. For each course, multiply your grade value (e.g., A = 4, B = 3, etc.) by the number of credit hours for that course. Sum these up to get your total semester grade points.

4. Calculate the total credit hours you've completed, including this semester.

5. Add your total previous grade points and total semester grade points together. This gives you your new total grade points.

6. Finally, divide your new total grade points by your new total credit hours to get your updated cumulative GPA.

For example, let's say your previous cumulative GPA is 3.5 and you've completed 30 credit hours. This semester, you took 15 more credit hours and your semester GPA is 3.0.

1. Previous cumulative GPA: 3.5, Previous credit hours: 30

2. Previous grade points: 3.5 (GPA) x 30 (credit hours) = 105

3. Semester grade points: 3.0 (semester GPA) x 15 (semester credit hours) = 45

4. New total credit hours: 30 (previous) + 15 (this semester) = 45

5. New total grade points: 105 (previous) + 45 (semester) = 150

6. New cumulative GPA: 150 (total grade points) / 45 (total credit hours) = 3.33

So, your new cumulative GPA would be 3.33 after taking this semester's performance into account. Good luck, and I hope that helps you figure out where you stand!

a year ago

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